Ingredients in our Rodent Paste
Looking to reduce pests AND toxins in your life? Our pastes are non-toxic, so they’re safe for people to use and are no risk to pets.
Our rodent paste is a specially formulated non toxic chocolate and nut butter flavoured paste that attracts rats and mice. It’s a great, high energy food source so it works well when catching rodents.
The allergens in our nut butter and chocolate paste are milk, soy, and tree nuts. This is also advised on the packaging for all who use our product.
The pouch of paste is great for pre-feeding the area around your trap to get your resident rodents familiar with the paste used inside the trap.
For more information on how to use the Rodent Paste Pouch to pre-feed you can check out our advice here.
For any other questions please contact us, we’d love to hear from you! [email protected]